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Posts from 2022

Region Archiver DevBlog: Well… It’s Working

It’s been another few days and in that time I’ve made some more progress with my region archiver script. My code actually works now! I’ve achieved a pretty sweet performance improvement too, cutting the time to parse a daily dump from around 30 seconds to around 5. The secret trick? My internet speeds magically improved, and I have no idea why. Apparently, I forgot that I was downloading an…

Region Archiver DevBlog: A New Region Archiver?

So. It’s been a while. Recently, I’ve been working on a new region archival utility. When (or rather, if) I finish this project, it certainly won’t be the first. I love Eyebeast and it’s already my go-to tool for detagging; in fact, it’s a major inspiration for this project. It’s also possible that something like Conductor will be up and running by the time I finish my yet-to-be-named archival…

Vinta DevBlog: So Many Things

For the past three weeks, I’ve been working on Vinta. It’s supposed to be a puppet manager for NationStates. I say it’s supposed to be, because the only part of it that technically works is prepping nations, and that doesn’t genuinely work because the jump point setting is still locked behind an inaccessible settings page. Ironically, prepping switchers is pretty much all I wanted when I first…

Codico DevBlog: Open Alpha

So, it’s been a few days since my last Codico DevBlog. Yesterday, I released Codico into open alpha. Parts of the interface remain clunky, and others have bugs I’m aware of (not to mention the ones I haven’t learned of yet), but it has enough functionality that I’m generally satisfied enough to call it a release. Overall, it’s a tool that doesn’t actually do that much. It just takes a bunch of…

Codico DevBlog: Spreadsheets?

For the past few days, I’ve been working on a new project called Codico. My goal is to create a simple way to write and publish dispatches, and keep them all up to date with any new content changes. But today, that led me to a strange place: making a spreadsheet template. Having users store information for their dispatches in their own Google Sheets might seem like a cop-out replacement for…

My First Post

Today, I’m writing my first blog post. And with some luck, someone may actually read it. I wasn’t planning to start my blog with an introductory post, but rather by starting a journal of my progress with another project. I still am working on that, but suffice it to say that progress is a little slower than I predicted. That’s not to mention the fact I thought to myself, “I’ll totally just also…